Thursday, March 6, 2008

Haut Quad

I'll start with my favorite board. The shaper's dimensions written on the board are 6'0" 2 3/8" thick, 15.5 nose x 20.5 x 16 tail. Goes well in all but the very smallest of waves. I have trouble keeping it in the pocket cause it wants to run but it cuts back fine. It has good drive off the bottom and fits well with my forward stance style. I never could excel with small tailed thrusters, at best I would be getting vertical twice a session. While I don't get vertical with this board, I have a blast going everywhere else on the face of the wave.

The Good!
Drops in early, drops in late, always in control (almost always.) Speed to make sections, speed from the first second I'm standing. Duckdives fine. Float so I can get into waves early or catch small waves.

The Bad :(
Maybe a touch to much volume for me. So much speed I can't always cut back until I'm way out on the shoulder, or I outrun the pocket of the wave. I think I've fractured the stringer and there's pleanty of heel dents up and down the deck. (This is a problem common to most boards but I want to move towards more durable boards so I'll mention it now.)

If anyone wants more specifics I can provide them to a degree. As you can tell by the photos I'm limited to a small living space and no board racks. I have no calipers and measuring rocker would be done from the floor.

Please tell me what you think.

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