Tuesday, October 6, 2009

A trip to SC

I made a trip to SC on Sunday and got down there around mid-day. The point of the trip was to check out a used board I saw on Craigslist, but I also wanted to take the opportunity to surf. I parked at Rockview because the tide was high and the wind was all over the North Coast. There were waves coming in but the tide was around 4.5' or so and Rockview wasn't working. Sewers, surprisingly, was. There was some south in the water and it was clear by the occasional long wall that swung into Sewers.

I had decided before I even saw the board that I wasn't going to pay the $375 asking price. The board is a Buttons Hawaii 6'8" Pipeliner model shaped by Owl Chapman. In my mind this will be a good board for hollow waves when I want to go slower and sit in the pocket, possibly in the tube. The only place I'd seen these boards online was at Icons of Surf, and when I checked to see what they cost new I saw they had dropped the prices on them to $470. The is dirt cheap for Icons, so I got the feeling that there was something wrong with these boards. That in mind I wanted to offer about $280. Once I saw the board and met the guy I could see that wasn't going to happen. This guy apparently grew up in SC and knew several of the guys hanging around the beach that day. He collects boards and was just trying to shuffle his collection a bit. I waffled about the board while everyone talked. Around the time he was ready to leave I told him I wanted to pay $300 for the board. He said "No" and I let him go. Not 10 min later he called and said he would settle for $325, and I told him so would I.

After that I stashed the board in the car and suited up. I needed to pee, there were a few waves at Sewers, and there were only three guys out there. I jumped off the rocks at Rockview, which was sketchy cause I don't do it very often and paddled over to Sewers. I got myself a handful of good waves around 4'. Nice drops with some shoulder to play with, which is something OB doesn't give me very often. The Haut felt great to me and I'm really getting comfortable on it. Or maybe that board is just MADE for SC waves.

It was either because the tide was starting to drop, or we were making it look too fun, but in the next 20min the crowd increased to 15 people. The waves were not that good, but I guess they were worse everywhere else. I paddled in.

So now I've got a new board, which deserves it's own post and description. I still haven't gotten photos of the new Haut up, so that is also on my list of to dos.

1 comment:

Beetlejuice said...

post that owl,he's a great shaper!