Friday, October 16, 2009


So here is the new Haut, purchased to replace the old, nearly broken one. As is clear from the photos I've ridden it plenty and can safely say it does the job. For me this shape works really well because I tend toward the lower quality waves in an effort to get away from crowds. Dimensions as written on the board: Length 6'0", Thickness 2 3/8", Nose 15 1/2", Middle 20 1/2", Tail 16".
It came with plastic Vector II 438 quads. I'm happy with the plastic fins and may not ever bother putting in the glass ones off the original Haut.
I asked for a bit more glass and a stronger blank be used. I also got a slightly wider stringer, all to avoid this one from breaking. Doug was against it all because he said the performance would suffer. I insisted and I don't notice the performance as any different.

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