Monday, August 26, 2019

Velzy Rehab

Nice 10-foot Velzy found for a good price on CL. I pointed it out to my dad to see if he was interested because I was kinda 50/50 on it. (I would like to try it, but not store it.) He mentioned that a family friend has a need and this would be a good one. I arranged to look at it and unfortunately it hadn't been well taken care of. There are a few repairs that weren't perfect but probably better than I could do so I'll leave those. There are also a handful of open dings. So I figured how much I thought it would cost to have professional repair, cut that number in half, and took it off the asking price. The seller was happy with the negotiation, and I took it home to fix it myself.
The board has an off-white pigment in the laminating layer and clear gloss over the top. I bought some "bone white" pigment because some of the repairs will go into the lamination layer. The pigment makes it look like it, but it's not an epoxy SurfTek. Those pin-lines are only on the deck and are beneath the gloss coat, which is a nice touch. I started working on the repairs but will have to wait for the pigment to arrive before I can continue much further.

The shape is a nice middle-ground log. Gentle continuous rocker throughout, gentle belly flattening towards the middle, but roll/belly out the tail. It seems like an excellent board for our family friend who surfs 38th and sometimes 2nd Peak.

And as an edit to the other post I made earlier today, the 10' Velzy fin off this board will be added to the list of fins I'll be testing out. It'll be the first one I play with because I want to get the board repaired and handed off to it's new owner. To help with the fin experimentation I ordered 6 wonderbolts! I've lost the other two I had, and I figured since I found a deal online, I'd buy a bunch. So now I can shift the fin forward and back while in the water, and swap out a fin on the beach without needing to pack in a screwdriver.

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