Sunday, December 19, 2010

I did it.

Last weekend I took public transportation to surf. JZ was having a party and KT was going to show up later, so I bussed and bussed out there, met JB and borrowed a board. The surf was good, the party was fun, and I rode home with KT at the end of the day. Riding the buses I made beginner mistakes like not having change and not knowing what options I had for buses. I had a $20 and I thought I could make change when I arrived in downtown SF. Turns out on a Sunday morning all the Starbucks (and the few other places around) are closed! So I walked in circles until I got down to the ferry building where I found a place open and a pile of buses parked. I asked a driver if his bus was the best way to the beach and he suggested another would be better. I took his word (since it match what my friend had suggested) and rode the 38. Turns out there's also a 38L and 38X. The L has limited stops and the X has even fewer stops. My bus stopped at almost every block (it felt like) and took an hour to cross the city. Next time I have change and try to land a faster bus.

Crowd wise I think there's enough room on the bus for me to bring a surfboard if I wanted. Next time I do this I'm gonna mat-surf or bodysurf, or borrow from JZ if he's around. I'm not quite ready to carry a board round trip yet.

Surfwise it was fun. I was on a 6'10" board shaped like a high performance noserider longboard. It had good float to catch waves easy and chase down the rangy peaks, but a narrow enough tail to stall and hang in the limited pockets that there were out there.

Looks like I'll be selling the Bee to someone who will enjoy it more than I did and will give it some use. Awesome! I don't think I'll be filling that space anytime soon and will instead concentrate on the surfboards I already have.

1 comment:

Quiver said...

The 38x is only on weekdays. The 38L is Mon-Sat. Looks like Sundays are just slow days for Muni.