Monday, October 11, 2021

Not much to say

This weekend surf was not great. The weather was great. The water was clear and there were at least two different species of (non-stinging) jellyfish in the water. We tried to surf funboards, but it was a little too small for me. JB was getting the best of the waves and I was just missing waves. We walked up to S reef and surfed the left. I was awkward, but at least catching waves. JB was doing much better. We didn't end up surfing for very long, especially because of the long walks on the sand we did.
I did make some progress on Sunday on the canoe. I scarf cut and glued up some sticks, but I think I need to scarf a few more feet on those two sticks to get the length I want. I also cut down my other board of oak into sticks, but didn't get them scarfed and glued because I needed to think through my plan. I think I should try making the deck plates, because that will play into how long the gunwales need to be. Time to search images of deck plates for what looks the best of what I think I can successfully build.

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