Monday, April 19, 2021

Kook move

Major kook move.

The south swell was getting a bit smaller and the wind was questionable, but the tide was right. So JB and I agreed to meet around dawn. I arrived first and started getting ready only to find I forgot my wetsuit. I had my boots, towel, extra layer, everything except the suit. I must have not been paying attention when I grabbed the pile of stuff. When JB arrived I asked if he had an extra suit, and he said he had two in his hands at home but decided to not bring both. Ugh!

I didn't miss much. The swell was not as good as last time and there was just enough junk on the water that JB was hesitating going at all. I was able to encourage him by pointing out the good waves right out front, he didn't even need to hike down the beach. I'm glad he got out, but he only got two waves because it turned out to be more shifty than it looked.

I took a moment to run up the coast and look around a little. I didn't find any magic, but added a little to my understanding of the area.

So that was the extent of my surfing. On the drive home I made a side trip to try to sell a board. The guy hesitated, and so I have to keep trying before I can order the semi-gun.

I did more work polishing the oxidation off the Mad River Explorer. I had been loosing steam because with all the work it wasn't looking that much better. I tried one last thing, soap. It made a huge difference as it cleaned off all the polishing compound and the loose oxidation that wasn't coming off with just a rag and water. What I ended up with was pretty good looking and I have faith that the wax will take once I finish removing the rest of the oxidation. I'm not sure if I'm getting 100% of the oxidation off, but I'm not willing to continue working with the diminishing returns I'm getting. 

Next I need to order the webbing to repair the seats. I'm trying to decide if I should take the risk on colored webbing, or stick with the safe choice of black. For colors, I can either go with a tan so it blends with the wood of the seats and the color of the inside of the canoe, or I can go with blue or another color to either match, complement, or "pop" with the outside of the canoe. Every time I think about it, I lead a different way.

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