I've been kneeboarding almost exclusivly since the new year. The reason for this is that I've gotten out of shape by working all week and surfing once on the weekend. The ability to flipper kick and give the arms a break really extends my sessions. The board is small and easier to push through waves and takes late drops or gets in early. It is kinda like a crutch if you let it be one.
The kneeboard has been a good choice for several days of OB offshore goodness, and I am glad I'm riding it. I'm getting to the point where I'm starting to wonder how it could be improved, i.e. what would I want my next one to do. My first priority on the kneeboard is to get barreled, which does happen. I can get in and, on rare occasion, come out. But I wonder if a different shape might not increase my getting out of the barrel chances.
Here it is now mid-April, spring, and I'm guessing we're going to run out of OB juice soon. To me that means it's time to return to the GeeBee. I stripped all the wax and fixed all the dings last fall and there it sits, in the closet, waiting to be put back into rotation. I've left it out because I want my wife to put some artwork on it. That was agreed to but hasn't happened. Time for a reminder.
Still want to sell the Junod but I havn't done anything about it. I should put it up on Craigslist again, or drop it in a shop with some foot traffic and a decent consignment deal.