Monday, June 7, 2021


Another early morning in the ocean. JB and I returned to G's with a medium tide, medium south swell and medium north wind-swell. The wind was offshore, but the prior day's wind (and wind further north) was strong from the NNW. We went out to G's even though it didn't look good because that spot has a habit of tricking us and looking worse than it really is from the beach. But this time, when we got out there and tried to chase down a few, we realized it was as bad as it looked from the beach. No worries, we just went to the next reef which, surprisingly, was handling the situation better. I got a few waves and was too deep for all of the biggest set waves. Still, a nice day of surfing. My knee was okay and I had to end the session because my calves were cramping, which is an old problem for me.

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