Sunday, October 24, 2010


A rain day and I was on call for work. Yesterday during the warm frontal part of the storm I had work down the SM coast and on the drive I saw light side/off shore winds on easy waves. They looked better earlier when the tide was lower. Today I was on call for work and figured it was no matter because the storm was in full swing and OB was reported to be destroyed by the wind and huge swell that arrived. As it turned out I didn't get called to work, and JZ reported that the SM coast was still side/off shore. Reviewing the day in weather it seems that the storm stayed north dropping over 1/2" in Oakland and 0.0" in Fremont. The south winds to the south of the front didn't ruin the surf on the SM coast, mental note.
Missing it like that, and not feeling surf satisfied I pulled out my boards to look them over. Not in a repair sense, more in an admire them sense. The new Bonzer BumbleBee has similar dimensions to the Haut2 except that it is more hippy. They have nearly the same tail width and middle width, but the Bonzer gets there quicker. Then I pulled out the HessQQ to compare, and before you know it I had them all laid out. I decided to rephotograph them all to make a side by side comparison, but before I got around to resizing and cropping I found myself rereading every post on this blog. So what do I make of it?
My quads are for making turns and going fast. My singles are for feeling the wave and sitting in the pocket. Well, I'd consider the Bonzer a single, but I'm not sure how it will ride since I've only had one chance on it. I'll have to revisit that statement.
When will I next revisit it? Possibly tomorrow. I had planned to do some post storm work in Fremont, but there was no storm in Fremont so maybe I'll "go into the field" with a quick stop in Fremont and then continue south to SC where the west side will be big. Or, I could wrap up some work that needs to be done this week and take Wednesday or Thursday to surf. I guess I'll be checking the weather thoroughly tonight.
Back to the review, I seem to be riding a higher quality of wave lately. Ona, WR-BB section and some good days at VFWs all combine to make a picture of hollower waves than I used to settle for. That, and riding /not/ the quads which I prefer to ride in softer waves with shoulders to run around on. Anywhoo, let's see where I go next.

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